Friday, November 22, 2019


I recently got a call from a customer of mine asking if the GDI service was something that was necessary for his Kia Optima.  He went on to say that the service writer had told him it was something he should do about every 15,000 miles or so. He was concerned that it was just something that they were selling that was not necessary. It's not outlandish as far as cost to have it done, though it can cost a bit for the service. Short answer here is YES, you really should have it done. The once a year cost to have the GDI service done is so worth it.

I had my Stinger GDI service yesterday. It has about 16,000 miles on it. The before and after was astonishing.  

What is GDI?  GDI stands for Gas Direct Injection. Simply put, your fuel delivery is injected straight into the cylinder (combustion chamber) rather than going through the intake valves as on a traditional engine. Bottom line, there is a trade off. As much as the GDI system is more efficient for fuel delivery and mileage, more responsive when you jump on the gas, it is a carbon builder. Carbon builds up on the valves and in the combustion chamber. Much like when you get sinus build up and can't breathe. Think of GDI service as a big dose of decongestant. Nothing feels better after having a bad head cold than being able to breathe again. 

When your engine can breath it feels its old self.  Again, the results are like day and night.  We drive our GDI cars and over time lose a little power and performance .... We really don't even notice...We forget what that car drove like the day we purchased it. We get our oil changed, our tires rotated, filters changed and we just go on with life. 

So, I brought my car to my service department at Jim Marsh Kia, and had the service done. I wanted to see for myself if there was any difference in performance before and after. Let me tell you...When I drove home last night, it was amazing. The car performed like the day it rolled off the showroom floor.  I walked in this morning and the service manager, Blair, has this grin like "I told you...." and yes, he told me. 

GDI service is every bit as important as oil changes and should be part of your regular service schedule. Every 15,000 miles is what they recommend. Obviously the longer you wait, the more build up and the harder to do a thorough cleaning.  Prepare for an OMG moment after this service.  If you own a Kia with a GDI engine, and have not had this done, you need to get with your Kia service Department and schedule a time. It takes a couple of hours or so to do so bring a book to read.  If you don't get it done, your are doing a huge dis-service to yourself, your car and your wallet.  unaddressed engine carbon deposits can lead to expensive problems down the road.  In the Vegas area, call Jim Marsh Kia (702) 946-1000 and ask for the service department. They will schedule your GDI service appointment. 

As always, I am available to answer your KIA questions right here, or you can email me at:, or just come by Jim Marsh Kia  8555 West Centennial Pkwy, Las Vegas and say Hi!

Have a KIA DAY!!

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